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Paecilomices chlamadosporium, Hirsutella rhossiliensis, Dactyllella anguillulae, Duddingtonia flagrans .

Edge is a Biological Nematicide enriched with naturally occurring Paecilomices chlamadosporium, Hirsutella rhossiliensis, Dactyllella anguillulae, Duddingtonia flagrans and other nematode, preying fungi.

Micro-organism has the ability to control number of nematodes such as Root Knot Nematode, Burrowing Nematode, Cyst Nematode, Root Lesion Nematode, Reniform Nematode, False Root Knot Nematode etc.


ColorLight Green
Solubility in Waterhighly

Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. If in eyes hold eyelids open and flush with a steady, gentle stream of water. If on Skin wash with plenty of soap and water.

Shelf Life : 3 years when Stored under normal condition.

Toxicity : The ingredients do not cause any toxicity.

Nematophagous fungi penetrate the surface of the nematode which is made up of collagen. This collagen is digested by action of proteolytic enzymes produced from the nematophagus fungus. Cyst nematodes do not hatch well due to the action of nematophagus fungus thereby parasitizing vermiform adult or larval nematodes and parasitizes eggs of cyst.

Viable cell count: 2×108 cfu/ml
  • Shake well before use.
  • Keep away from Children reach.
  • Store under cool place.
  • Away from direct sunlight.

1ltr in 200liter per acre through soil drenching.