+91 257 227 4400    info@sunshineagri.net

About Us

Who We Are

Welcome to Sunshine Agri Pvt Ltd,the leading manufacturer and distributor of unique range of agricultural related quality products like pesticides, micronutrient, fertilizers and water soluble fertilizers. Sunshine Agri Pvt Ltd was established in 2005 with the aim of improving agriculture needed products like pesticides, micro-nutrient, fertilizers and water soluble fertilizers. The company policy is to focus on the quality of product and guideline to farmer the development of Indian farmers and agriculture.

Sunshine has earned a reputation in a very short period of time by providing unique product what modern farming needs more than ever. For Sunshine this is just a beginning. It has many more plans for a promising future. Starting from a local market it rapidly stepped in the national market, and now it is ready to go global.

Experienced guidance and planned performance and farmer confidence on product is the real strength of Sunshine. But according to MD Mr. Rajesh Chaudhari, Sunshine not only works with ambitions but also ethics. He believes that these are the pillars which keep Sunshine in the competition. And there is lot of hard work to take care of Sunshine's financial growth and profit.

Finally, here at Sunshine we consider it our duty and responsibility to manufacture original and international standard product to meet our own commitment to our dear clients.

Mr. Rajesh Arun Chaudhari, MD

Sunshine’s MD Mr. Rajesh Arun Chaudhari is a common man with an extraordinarily uncommon vision. As a common man he knows what farmers need and as a visionary he plans how to fulfill those demands. He has 15 years of field experience in agricultural product and marketing. He knows his job and his product practically as well as theoretically. He always convinces his friends and employees that agricultural needs always keep advancing and so should Sunshine’s products and technology. He made his mark too quickly but his earlier hardship and struggle always help his to stay down to earth. He made decisions but never without discussing with his colleagues. He always welcomes opinions and new ideas. Being a B.Sc. (agri) graduate and a man of field he has chosen his industry willfully. And today he has not only proved himself but also his decision. Now at this level he is doing his best to support the backbone of Indian economy.

Vision & Mission for today and tomorrow


Development through advanced farming with innovative ideas.


To turn agriculture into a profitable and promising industry whereby new generation will start looking at it as a career instead of laborious work.

To set farmers as small, medium and large scale industrialist.

Sunshine’s Role in Agriculture Industry

Defining commercial, moral and ethical values Sunshine plays a multidimensional role in agriculture industry. Presently 70% of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and karnataka farmers are benefitting from Sunshine products. With every passing day Sunshine is creating a chain of satisfied customer nationwide.

The role of Sunshine in agriculture industry is developing day by day. Farmers generally do not give up with their old and regular products. But our benefitted customers are motivating such farmers with their fine crop and increasing profit. But for Sunshine this is not about profit and loss but this is all about agricultural development in an agricultural country like India.

Quality services

Believing in this is the age of agriculture industry; Sunshine Agri commits to deliver better quality products with timely management. Sunshine Agri mainly focuses on awareness among the farmers about farming with the up-to-date technology.

World-class manufacturing process

  • Stick to the rules and regulations.
  • A la mode machinery and very skilled machinists.

Latest News

Listed below our new products.