A to Z PSF
Drenching: Mix A toZ PSF 2ml./1ltr. of water and do drenching near the root zone of the plant. or 1.25 Ltr./required of water per hector.
Seed treatment: Prepare solution of 50ml of AtoZ-PSF in required quantity of water. Mix 1 kg seeds with this solution for 15-20 minutes dry treated seed in shade and sow seeds immediately.
Foliar : 2ml AtoZ PSF per liter of water.
Soil Application: (Before Sowing): Mix 6.25 Liter of AtoZ-PSF uniformly in 50-100Kgs of compost and apply in the field before planting preferably in the evening or cloudy day per hector.
A to Z PSF is a phosphate solubilizing bio fertilizer. phosphate is the nutrient for plants inducing vigorous growth and also contributing to their disease resistance. It helps in root formation and Plant growth. The plants utilize only 15-20% of phosphate applied. AtoZ PSF have highly efficient phosphate solubilizing fungal that grow and secrete organic acids, which dissolve this unavailable into soluble form and make it available to the plants. Thus, the residual stable fertilizers in the soil can be well utilized and external application can be optimized.
- Improvement in organic matter as a result to improve soil porosity to require uptake of nutrients.
- Improve beneficial micro organism in the soil.
- It solubilizes insoluble phosphate so that plants can easily take up.
- It reduces the use of fertilizer.
- It assures early and effective germination of seeds.
- Helps plants to absorb inaccessible nutrients in soil.
- Ecofriendly, used in drip irrigation effective and efficient use for organic farming.
- Nontoxic to animals, plants and insect predators.
- Enhance resistance against plant disease
Base : Liquid
Moisture percentage maximum in case of : N. A.
carrier based Spore Count viable fungalspores/ml of the liquid: Minimum 1x107
Contamination : NIL
pH : 3.5 to 5.5
Efficiency character : The strain should have phosphate solubilization capacity in the range of 30% when tested spectrometrically. In terms of zone formation, minimum 10mm solubilization zone in prescribed media having least 3mm thickness.